Tincture of Victoria berries

Tincture of Victoria berries

So summer is rushing by leaps and bounds. July is already on the threshold. What does that mean? Right! Soon, berries will go en masse, which can be timed to coincide with our distillery skills.

So, I present to your attention a tincture from the queen of berries – Her Majesty Victoria

A recipe that is extremely simple and proven over the years. We will need:

Moonshine - 1 l;

Victoria berries - 300 g;

Sugar - 100 g;

Glass jar - 2 liters.

Berries must be washed well in cold water. Do not forget to separate the green leaves.

We send the berries to the jar and fill them with sugar. Gently mix. The larger the pieces of berries are, the easier it will be to filter, but the longer our creation will be infused.

When the berries give juice, pour a liter of moonshine. Once again, gently mix and remove to a dark place.

The duration of infusion varies from two weeks to a month. It is very important to open the jar periodically (once every 3-4 days) for 15-20 minutes. This will not allow moonshine to suffocate and will significantly improve the taste!

When the tincture is ready, we filter it through gauze and serve it to the table.

Have you tried a tincture according to a similar recipe or are you using your chips in the preparation of drinks from Victoria? Be sure to share it with us in the comments!

tincture, moonshine, strawberry, strawberry liqueur, strawberry liqueur, strawberry tincture, liqueur, recipe, strawberry tincture, berry liqueur, liqueurs, homemade tincture,

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